Rottweiler Challenge Quiz

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Welcome to the Rottweiler Challenge Quiz. You will have 3 minutes to complete the questions. Choose carefully-answers cannot be changed! Enter your name for the leaderboard.

Rottweilers originated in Germany.

Purebred Rottweiler registration is stricter in the United States than in Germany.

According to the AKC, breed standard BASE coat colors for a Rottweiler are black, blue, mahogany and red.

What is the average running speed of Rottweilers (AKC Fast Cat-100 yard race)?

It may be difficult to get home insurance coverage if you own a Rottweiler. Most companies, if not all, will NOT write you a policy.

Rottweilers are great natural swimmers.

According to the book "The Intelligence of Dogs" by Stanley Coren, where do Rottweilers rank in intelligence out of 138 breeds?

The Rottweiler has a greater bite force in PSI than the Cane Corso.

Rottweilers are prone to a heart condition that causes partial obstruction to the flow of blood as it leaves the left side of the heart. What is this called?

A German Rottweiler CANNOT (by breed standard) have a docked tail.

In a landmark Genomic Analyses of over 160 different dog breeds, which of the following breeds was shown to share the MOST COMMON DNA with an ancestor of the Rottweiler?

Rottweilers have a reputation as being "leaners" and will often lean against your legs or body if when they can.

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