FCR Leaderboard and Gallery

All TOP scores are VERIFIED as one time quiz takers!

Average Score 64.2%

Top 20 FCR Scores!

RankQuiz NameUserCorrect ScorePoint ScoreTime TakenAmount CorrectTotal Questions
1FCR ChallengeMary Lemay10012 out of 1200:01:5012 out of 1212
2FCR ChallengeJoanne9111 out of 1200:01:5911 out of 1212
3FCR ChallengePeggy Richards9111 out of 1200:02:1511 out of 1212
4FCR ChallengeFinka9111 out of 1200:02:1611 out of 1212
5FCR ChallengeBooker9111 out of 1200:02:4811 out of 1212
6FCR ChallengeRe8310 out of 1200:01:2310 out of 1212
7FCR ChallengeDOug8310 out of 1200:01:2910 out of 1212
8FCR ChallengeSue8310 out of 1200:01:5410 out of 1212
9FCR ChallengeSculls8310 out of 1200:02:0210 out of 1212
10FCR Challengekw8310 out of 1200:02:2910 out of 1212
11FCR ChallengeLl8310 out of 1200:02:3210 out of 1212
12FCR ChallengeMalcolm8310 out of 1200:02:3610 out of 1212
13FCR ChallengeAndrea Ahnmark8310 out of 1200:02:3710 out of 1212
14FCR ChallengeHelen8310 out of 1200:02:4610 out of 1212
15FCR ChallengeBirdztheword8310 out of 1200:02:4810 out of 1212
16FCR ChallengePhillips Melissa8310 out of 1200:02:5810 out of 1212
17FCR Challenge8310 out of 1200:03:0010 out of 1212
18FCR ChallengeAva8310 out of 1200:03:0010 out of 1212
19FCR Challengefred759 out of 1200:01:339 out of 1212
20FCR ChallengeBrigitte759 out of 1200:02:539 out of 1212

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