FCR Challenge

Latest 3 Quiz Results

  • CharFCR Challenge50
  • Jan TurnerFCR Challenge58
  • AlfFCR Challenge33

Welcome to the FCR Challenge. You will have 3 minutes to complete the questions. Choose carefully-answers cannot be changed! Enter your first name or initials for the leaderboard. We DO NOT collect any personally identifiable information!

The Flat Coated Retriever was developed in

According to AKC breed standard, the acceptable coat colors for an FCR are Black, Liver and Cream.

The AKC recognizes 6 different retriever breeds. Which of the following is NOT one of those?

Which of the following breeds was a result of the mating of flat coated retrievers in the late 1800's?

In the landmark book, "The Intelligence of Dogs", professor Stanley Coren researched and documented the intelligence of over 130 different dog breeds. Where does the FCR rank in this book?

Due to a mutation the the POMC gene, Flat Coated Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers are prone to obesity.

FCR's and Labs are often compared. They can grow to the same height. Which breed generally weighs more?

The CBARQ is a giant research study on the temperament of dogs. In this research, where does the FCR rank (out of 124 different breeds) in terms in energy level? Lower number=HIGHER energy.

What is the AVERAGE running speed of FCR's in the AKC Fast Cat (100 yard race)?

PLD is an inherited condition in FCR's. What type of health problem is PLD?

Which of the following is generally NOT true about an FCR?

The Flat-Coated Retriever and the Wavy-Coated Retriever are the same breed.

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