Catahoula Leopard Dog Challenge Quiz

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Welcome to the Catahoula Challenge Quiz. You will have 3 minutes to complete the questions. Choose carefully-answers cannot be changed! Enter your name for the leaderboard.

The Catahoula is a medium sized dog. Their top weight is 60-70 pounds.

The Catahoula can have “cracked” eyes: two different colors within the SAME eye.

The Catahoula Leopard Dog has NOT met the requirements for AKC recognition.

The word “Catahoula” is a Choctaw Indian word that means “holy one”.

Catahoula's carry the gene for merle coloration. Due to a genetic mutation, they are more prone to deafness than most other merle colored breeds.

It is believed that the Catahoula Leopard dog is a descendant of Indian wolf dogs and which of the following breeds?

The average running speed of a Catahoula (AKC-Fast Cat-100 yards) is about

In the early days of the breed, hunters would release a pack of dogs on the scent of a deer. The last two dogs AND the first two dogs to track the deer were often shot because they did not remain with the pack.

The Catahoula Cur is a small sized (35-50 pounds) Catahoula Leopard Dog.

The Catahoula Leopard dog has webbed feet and is an excellent swimmer.

According to the United Kennel Club breed standard, which of the following colors/patterns is not permitted on a Catahoula?

The Catahoula is known as being an independent, intelligent dog that needs exercise and a "job" to do. They are not a "couch potato" breed.

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