Brussels Griffon Challenge Quiz

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Welcome to the Brussels Griffon Challenge Quiz. You will have 3 minutes to complete the questions. Choose carefully-answers cannot be changed! Enter your first name for the leaderboard.

The Brussels Griffon originated in Belgium.

The FCI classifies the Brussels Griffon into 3 different breeds. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

One of the varities of Brussels Griffon can be black in color. Which one is it?

In the early development of the breed, Brussels Griffon were much larger - 30-40 pounds.

In research on modern dog breed development, the Brussels Griffon shares the most common DNA with an ancestor of which of the following breeds?

The Ewok's in Star Wars (Return of the Jedi) were based on a Brussels Griffon named Rowe.

What is the average running speed of Brussels Griffon (AKC Fast Cat-100 yard race)?

In the CBARQ study of dog breed temperament, the Brussels Griffon ranks high in showing aggression toward unfamiliar people.

While not excessively yappy, Brussels Griffon generally make good watch dogs.

The Brussels Griffon is a relatively healthy breed but can suffer from a condition called syringomyelia. What is syringomyelia?

In the groundbreaking book entitled "The Intelligence of Dogs", where does the Brussels Griffon rank in terms of intelligence out of 138 breeds?

"Resting Griff Face" is an affectionate term that some Brussels Griffon owners user to describe some of the faces made by their dogs.

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