Borzoi Challenge

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  • Sa.Borzoi Challenge83
  • Borzoi Challenge16

Welcome to the Borzoi Challenge. You will have 3 minutes to complete the questions. Choose carefully-answers cannot be changed! Enter your first name for the leaderboard.

The Borzoi dog breed originated in Italy.

The Borzoi is the tallest sighthound breed in existence.

Which of the following coat color/pattern is not acceptable according to FCI breed standard?

When translated, the word Borzoi means wolf-hunter.

What is the AVERAGE running speed of Borzoi in the AKC Fast Cat (100 yard race)?

The Russian Wolfhound and the Borzoi are the same breed.

The Borzoi comes in two coat varieties - the popular long coat and the rare short coat.

In the landmark book, "The Intelligence of Dogs", professor Stanley Coren researched and documented the intelligence of over 130 different dog breeds. Where does the Borzoi rank in this book?

Borzoi are prone to a condition called Methemoglobin reductase deficiency (MRD). what is this condition?

Borzoi were initially bred to hunt and pin down wolves for hunters.

The CBARQ is a giant research study on the temperament of dogs. In this research, where does the Borzoi rank (out of 124 different breeds) in terms of prey drive?

The Borzoi is a medium sized sighthound with males reaching up to 75 pounds.

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